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Project Joie

Setting myself up for success by being accountable

Catching up 11MAR15

By 8:51 PM

Work has been quite busy the past few days. I worked out at home on Sunday. Took a rest day on Monday. I did the skill and a mini WOD at home yesterday. 

I've been doing well of keeping track of my macros. When I started this blog, I was 190 lbs, this morning I weighed in at 183.2. I'm fighting for every ounce. 

Today's skill was 20 min to work up to 3 rep max of clean and jerk.

I got up to 95#. I was able to complete to  2 clean and jerks plus 1 clean at 100#. My arms gave out when I attempted to jerk it that last time. 

15 min AMRAP
10 push-ups 
10 knee raises 
10 box jump over
100m sprint

I completed 4 rounds plus 19 repa

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