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Project Joie

Setting myself up for success by being accountable

23FEB15 Food & WOD Log

By 7:52 PM , ,

It's the beginning of the week and it's going to be a great week. :)

I went a little over today and I'm ok with that. I strive to prepare home cooked dinners at least 5 times a week. Most of the time I end up doing 4 because we end up eating out on Friday nights too. I make up for it by preparing dinner at home on Sundays. I grew up eating dinner at home most nights and only went out when it was our parent's pay day. My dad's choice would be Chinese and my mom is a little more adventurous. We enjoyed any opportunity we had to try something new. Food is like a time machine for me, it brings me back to my childhood.

I made red rice tonight. It should go with Baked or Fried Chicken. That's how I grew up. It was served weekly at any of the schools that I went to on Guam.

1/4 medium onion - dice
2 tablespoons oil - I use EVOO
3 cups of uncooked rice
6 cups of water
1 packet of Annato Powder
salt to taste

Add EVOO to warm pot, saute onions for a few minutes then add rice and stir
Add water and Annato powder
Bring to boil then turn down to low and keep covered, stir occasionally to keep rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot

Skill - Find Max Weight for the following complex
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Jerk

made it to 95#
I realized that I'm fearful of triple digits

10 min AMRAP
6 KB Swings (3 left and 3 right)
12 Ab Mat situps
24 airsquats
Completed 3 + 28

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