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Project Joie

Setting myself up for success by being accountable

18FEB15 Food & WOD Log

By 10:22 PM ,

It's Ash Wednesday, which means no meat today. My food log is filled with fish. yum! I didn't eat enough protein today. I drank a protein shake but it didn't help much. :(

EMOTM for 14 minutes
-3 hang snatches unbroken - 35#
-10 box jumps - I think it was 12 or 16 inches.

5 rounds
300 meter run
10 up and over box jumps
80 singles
10 up and over box jumps

I finished a little above 23 minutes. I ran 300 the first round, then dropped it to 200 when I realized I was going to be late for a meeting. I also stepped up and over the box instead of jumping. It was a challenging WOD for me but I made it through.

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